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IELTS 문법_불규칙한 동사 속에서의 문장과 어휘

by New-effects 2020. 7. 30.

IELTS 문법_불규칙한 동사 속에서의 문장과 어휘

동사원형 + ed = Regular verbs [규칙적인 동사]

finish -> finished /  watch -> watched

open -> opened  /  want -> wanted

visit -> visited  /  walk -> walked

dance -> danced  

동사원형 + 형태가 다른단어 = Irregular verbs [불규칙한 동사]

have -> had  /  get -> got  /  forget -> forgot

buy -> bought  /  go -> went  /  drive -> drove 

come -> came  /  leave -> left 

speak -> spoke  /  know -> knew 

see -> saw  /  take -> took  /  drink -> drank  

불규칙 동사가 들어간 예문 문장과 패턴 

I bought some new shoes. 난 새 샌발을 (좀) 샀다.

I saw many beautiful paintings. 난 많은 아름다운 그림[페인팅]을 봤다. 

I took lots of photos.  나는 사진을 많이 찍었다. 

I drank a lot of coffee this morning. 나는 오늘아침에 커피를 많이 마셨다. 

Last year, I went on vacation to China. 작년에, 난 방학 때 중국에 갔다. 


『1. I went to the amazing Aztec pyramids.

 2. In Mexico, I went to the amazing Aztec pyramids.

 3. In Mexico, I went to the amazing Aztec pyramids and bought some miniature pyramids.』

과거시제 부정문 "didn't + 동사원형

-I didn't buy any miniature pyramids at the store. 

난 가게에서 축소형 피라미드를 사지 않았다. 

-I didn't bring my wallet. 난 지갑을 가져오지 않았다. 

-I didn't invite him. 난 그를 초대하지 않았다. 

What was the most memorable vacation in your whole life?

->I went to China. 

->What did you do in China? 

=>I went there with my two friends. & I went there with my friend.

During your trip, did you buy anything? 

->I didn't have enough money since it was my first trip.

의문문 Did + 주어 + 동사원형

-Did you buy this cake? 

-Did you have a nice day?


