개인이 생각하는 기술과 리더 쉽 이라는 주제가 나온다면?
의사표현 창의력 아이디어
안녕하세요. 아이엘츠 스피킹에서 Part 1~2 부분까지 게시물 피드를 하면서
어떤 생각이 떠올랐습니다. 스피킹에서도 주제가 100개가 넘은 주제들이
있다고 하는데요, 대표적으로 "리더쉽" 이라는 주제가 나오면 뭐라고 얘기해야 될까?
라는 생각이 들었습니다. 그래서 제가 수강하고 있는 콘텐츠 중에서
리더쉽이라는 내용을 담은 어휘들을 정리해 보았습니다.
리더는 무엇인가?
recognize : [ˈrekəɡnaɪz]
1.(어떤 사람·사물을 보거나 듣고 누구·무엇인지) 알아보다/알다
->If you recognize someone or something, you know who that person is or what that thing is.
2.(존재·진실성을) 인정/인식하다
->If someone says that they recognize something, they acknowledge that it exists or that it is true. (=acknowledge)
->If people or organizations recognize something as valid, they officially accept it or approve of it. (=accept)
1.(강력한) 영향, 충격
->The impact that something has on a situation, process, or person is a sudden and powerful effect that it has on them.
2.충돌, 충격
->An impact is the action of one object hitting another or the force with which one object hits another.
3.영향/충격을 주다
->To impact on a situation, process or person means to affect them.
strengths [streŋθ] :
1.힘, 기운 2.내구력, 견고성 3.(역경을 견디는) 힘, 용기
4.세력, 영향령 5.(의견,감정의,자연력) 세기,강도<힘>
1. 명사 Your strength is the physical energy that you have, which gives you the ability
to perform various actions, such as lifting or moving things.
2. 명사 Someone's strength in a difficult situation is their confidence or courage. (↔weakness)
3. 구 If a person or organization goes from strength to strength, they become more
and more successful or confident.
limits : [ˈlɪmɪt]
1.한계(점), 한도 2.(허용 한도에 대한) 제한(하다), 허용치
3.(장소지역의) 경계 4.(갖거나 이용할 수 있는 양을) 한정/제한하다
1. 명사 A limit is the greatest amount, extent, or degree of something that is possible.
2. 명사 A limit of a particular kind is the largest or smallest amount of something
such as time or money that is allowed because of a rule, law, or dec...
3. 동사 If you limit something, you prevent it from becoming greater than a particular amount or degree. (=restrict)
self-worth :
자아가치감, 자존심, 자부심, 자아존중감
->Self-worth is the feeling that you have good qualities and have achieved good things.
1).self-important (거만한, 자만심이 강한, 자부심이 강한)
capability : (=ability) : 역량, 능력, 소질
->thinks you can do
->If you have the capability or the capabilities to do something, you have the ability or
the qualities that are necessary to do it.
optimism <|ɒptɪmɪzəm> :
-(그림: positive), 낙관[낙천]주의, 희망적 관측.
->Optimism is the feeling of being hopeful about the future or about the success of something
in particular. (반의어: pessimism 비관/염세주의)
seeing :
시각, 보기, ~한점에서 보면,
->the sense or faculty of sight; vision
upside :
(좋지못한 상황 속에서의) 괜찮은/긍정적인 면
2.상부, 윗면, 위쪽(upper side). 3.(가격·경기의) 상승 경향.
->명사 the upper surface or part
seize [siːz] :
1.<의미·요점 등을> 파악/납득/이해 하다 2.<기회·결점 등을> 붙잡다, 붙들다, 포착하다
연관단어 "take" :
->When a group of people seize a place or seize control of it, they take control of it quickly and suddenly, using force. (=take)
opportunity [|ɒpə|tjuːnəti] : 기회,
->An opportunity is a situation in which it is possible for you to do something that you want to do.
비슷한 단어:(=chance)
contributing :
1.기부하다 2.(…의) 한 원인이 되다 3.기여/공헌하다, 이바지하다
4. (글/기사 등을) 기고하다; (회의·대화에서) 의견을 말하다, (~를) 진술하다
->1. 동사 If you contribute to something, you say or do things to help to make it successful.
2. 동사 To contribute money or resources to something means to give money or resources
to help pay for something or to help achieve a particular purpose...
3. 동사 If something contributes to an event or situation, it is one of the causes of it.
=>contribute to something: to help to cause something
-1. 기타 Greater is the comparative of great.
-2. 형용사 Greater is used with the name of a large city to refer to the city together with the surrounding urban and suburban area.
적합한 리더
discount : (유의어-disregard)
(무가치한 것으로) 치부하다, 무시하다
에누리하여 듣다[생각하다]; 신용하지 않다; 무시하다
…의 가치[효과]를 줄이다/떨어뜨리다, 감소시키다
->동사 If you discount an idea, fact, or theory, you consider that it is not true, not important, or not relevant.
(->명사 A discount is a reduction in the usual price of something.)
perspective : [pə|spektɪv]
1.견해, 관점, 사고방식, 시각 2.(문제 해결을 위한 사고에서의) 균형감
(사물을) 꿰뚫어 보는 눈, 경중<균형>을 가늠하는 눈
the way you see things
->명사 A particular perspective is a particular way of thinking about something,
especially one that is influenced by your beliefs or experiences.
->명사 Perspective is the art of making some objects or people in a picture
look further away than others
organizational : <ɔ́:rɡənaizéiʃənl>
조직/구성(상)의; 관리 기관의, 조직의, 기구의; 단체의
1.형용사 Organizational abilities and methods relate to the way that work, activities, or events are planned and arranged.
2.형용사 Organizational means relating to the structure of an organization.
3.형용사 Organizational means relating to organizations, rather than individuals.
(문제 해결의) 실마리/증거, 힌트 / (미궁에의) 길잡이, 안내(+표시) / (이야기·생각 등의) 줄거리(thread).
->1.명사 A clue to a problem or mystery is something that helps you to find the answer to it.
->2.명사 A clue is an object or piece of information that helps someone solve a crime.
->3.구<INFORMAL> If you haven't a clue about something, you do not know anything
about it or you have no idea what to do about it.
norm : [ nɔːm ]
1.표준, 일반적인 것 2.규범, 규준 3.기준 (특정 인간 집단의) 전형적 행동 양식; 보통
->1.명사 Norms are ways of behaving that are considered normal in a particular society.
->2.명사 If you say that a situation is the norm, you mean that it is usual and expected.
->3.명사 A norm is an official standard or level that organizations are expected to reach.
1.결정(과정), 판단 2.결단력 3. (…하려는) 결의, 결심 4.결정사항
->1.명사 When you make a decision, you choose what should be done or which is the best of various possible actions.
->2.명사 Decision is the act of deciding something or the need to decide something.
->3.명사 Decision is the ability to decide quickly and definitely what to do. (=decisiveness)
politic : [|pɒlətɪk]
<행동이>신중한, 현명한, 사려깊은
분별 있는, 사려깊은, 시기에 적합한(opportune)
꾀[술수]를 부리는[쓰는, 교활한(artful), 교묘한
->형용사<FORMAL> If it seems politic to do a particular thing, that seems
to be the most sensible thing to do in the circumstances.
→ see also politics
1.…을 탓하다, … 책임으로 보다 2.책임; 탓 / 나무라다, 비난하다,꾸짖다
[잘못]의 책임을 지우다, 전가하다
->1.동사 If you blame a person or thing for something bad, you believe or say that they are responsible for it or that they caused it.
->2.동사 If you say that you do not blame someone for doing something, you mean that you
consider it was a reasonable thing to do in the circumstances.
->3. 명사 The blame for something bad that has happened is the responsibility for causing it or letting it happen.
성과(result), 결론, 결과
->명사 The outcome of an activity, process, or situation is the situation that exists at the end of it.
(의식적으로 미리)<회>피하다 / (무엇을 치는 것을) 피하다
->동사 If you avoid doing something, you choose not to do it, or you put yourself in a situation where you do not have to do it.
deal(ing) with 취급, ~을 다루다
deal with somebody: ~를 (상)대하다
1. to look after, talk to or control people in an appropriate way, especially as part of your job
2. to take appropriate action in a particular situation or according to who you are talking to, etc.
3. to take appropriate action to punish somebody who has done something wrong
분해하는, 분석하는
1.[Verb] Present participle of resolve
2.[Noun] The act of forming a resolution.
re·solve : [rɪˈzɒlv]: 분해[분석]하다, 결심/결정/결의하다
conflicts :
(심리적, 의견들간의, 이해관계로 인한) 갈등 / (사상·이해 등의) 충돌, 대립, 마찰, 불일치
->명사<oft in/into N> Conflict is serious disagreement and argument about something important.
->Conflict is a state of mind in which you find it impossible to make a decision.
isolate : [ˈaɪsəleɪt]
고립시키다(from), 분리[고립]된 것[사람, 집단];
동사 To isolate a person or organization means to cause them to lose their friends or supporters.
연관숙어: isolate <a person> from/ …~에서 고립시키다.
organization : [|ɔːɡənaɪ|zeɪʃn]
조직(화), 구성, 단체, 조합, 협회, 경영진
->1. 명사 An organization is an official group of people, for example, a political party, a business, a charity, or a club.
->2. 명사 The organization of an event or activity involves making all the necessary arrangements for it.
->3. 명사 The organization of something is the way in which its different parts are arranged or relate to each other.
-(뮤지컬 배우 정영주: 뤼얼리?~~~)
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